21st Century Women

21st Century Wo/men

Vision for the Future


Working with women and men adversely affected by COVID19 and their Personal & Professional transformation by identifying their Intrinsic Motivators


Because we are more capable than we think and the World needs Human Development, Equality for All and Decent Work


By supporting people made redundant as a result of C19 to decide their future and obtain good and decent work.

The Status Quo

Unemployment expected to reach 7.4% by mid-2021 = 2.6million people

The Pandemic highlighted that thousands of jobs would disappear along with many companies that failed consistently to recognise the value of their people. This realisation enabled me to pivot to helping those who will be made redundant either directly or via their companies.

As the reports emerged, my research shone the light on how women’s jobs in particular will disappear but also,  as many management jobs are slashed, men will also be affected, albeit not so badly as women, hence the creation of 21st Century Wo/men .

 It is not known how many companies will survive and a lot depends on how the virus behaves, but it is hoped that many jobs in new sectors will emerge.

So you’ve been made redundant

  • Do you want to go to work just for the money or to be able to get in touch with your passion?
  • Do you know what you’re looking for in terms of working environment/ culture to inspire you to achieve your true potential?
  • What do you want – a job or a career?

You are more capable than you think, you have latent capabilities and skills that you haven’t yet discovered.  Working from home proved that you can be more productive and effective.

This is the time to reassess, understand and perhaps raise your aspirations

You may need support to achieve a professional transformation, become whole and find a new future – not just another job.

Knowing how you are motivated or de-motivated may have emerged during lockdown/working from home.   Maybe you’ve realised you were in the wrong job or profession and want to change.

Either way, doing an assessment of what was good or bad about your previous employment is a good first step to take.   Beginning a journey of self-discovery can reveal surprising things.

Our MIA™ (Motivating the Individual to Achieve) diagnostic will help you assess your previous role and company and identify what needs to change going forward

Get in touch with your passion

Identify your motivations

Re-evaluate your future needs

Who knows what you may discover!